In the heart of Edmonton’s bustling streets lies an adventure waiting to unfold: the City of Edmonton On Demand Transit Service. For years, it has been weaving its way through every nook and cranny of this diverse cityscape of new communities. Kinglet by Big Lake, with its promise of adventure and community spirit, is no exception.

Picture this: you’re standing at the edge of your community, the crisp air tinged with excitement as you await your chariot. With a few taps on your phone or a quick call at 780.496.2400, the On Demand Transit app springs into action, summoning a ride to whisk you away to the beating heart of Edmonton’s transit network. It’s not just a ride; it’s a portal to convenience, connection and endless possibilities.

Safety, speed, convenience and reliability – these are the hallmarks of the On Demand Transit Service. Whether you’re embarking on a journey during the bustling peak hours or seeking adventure in the quiet of the night, this service has you covered. And the best part? It’s all at your fingertips, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

But the adventure doesn’t end there. With Anthem proudly shaping the landscape, the On Demand Transit Service is just the beginning of a journey that transcends mere transportation. It’s an invitation to explore, to connect, to build a life in communities where every corner holds the promise of something extraordinary.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a new chapter of your life, and move into the community of Kinglet by Big Lake, where adventure awaits at every turn, click here to learn more about the homes the community’s five award winning builder partners have to offer, and let the journey begin.