Find important information and useful resources to help you get settled in your new home. Click on any of the sections below to learn more about life in Kinglet by Big Lake.

Affordable New Walkout Homes in Kinglet by Big Lake

Zero lot line front garage homes, with a walkout basement, are now available in Anthem’s new northwest Edmonton community of Kinglet by Big Lake. These lots allow new homebuyers to build a spacious front attached double car garage home on a walkout lot, at an affordable price, without compromising space.…


Kinglet by Big Lake offers endless opportunities for you to connect and unwind in your own natural habitat. Looking for information to help you get settled? You’ll find answers here to some of our frequently asked questions. If what you want to know isn’t covered below, please email us at…

The developer (Anthem Properties Ltd.) reserves the right to make changes and modifications to the information contained herein. Maps, views, photography, and renderings are representational only and are not necessarily accurate, and final design, construction, and features may differ. Floor plans, layouts, finishes, prices, and availability are subject to change without notice. Please contact a developer sales representative for details. This is not an offering for sale, as an offering can only be made after the filing of a disclosure statement, and only in jurisdictions where qualified in accordance with applicable local laws. E. & O.E.

Visit Showhome

Monday to Thursday 3 pm – 8 pm

Weekends & Holidays 12 pm – 5 pm

(Closed Fridays)

Hours of operation may vary, please contact the builder for the most up to date information